#muhasabah diri--> [Tulislah dan kongsikanlah apa-apa jua yang baik untuk memberi impak kepada orang lain yang memerlukannya tanpa kita sedari]--#viaprofmadyaDrshahida

Sunday 1 February 2015

Peta Konsep Biologi SPM Tingkatan 4

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
Alhamdulillah, we meet again.
Today, I want to share with all SPM 2015 candidates who sit for Biology exam or maybe with Biology's teacher, a concept map (Peta Konsep) for all topics in Biology Form 4. There are in pdf format and also in doc format if you want to edit it. Ok. I hope it can help us to learn and teaching much better. Click it to view the concept map. Enjoy it!


which include all of these topics:
  • Cover Peta konsep bio t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 1 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 2 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 3 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 4 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 5 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 6 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 7 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 8 t4
  • Peta konsep bio bab 9 t4

Ok, before we continue to the next post, let's take about 5 minutes to make a self reflection or muhasabah for today. Lets recall, along this life, whom first we complain about all our difficulties in learning biology's subject?friends?facebookers?twitters?just ourselves know it. But, complain to Allah first, is the most powerful way and will give the best solution and calmness to us. trust me. just try it. biidznillah

Ok, that's all for today.
See you at the next post.
"Today we must be much better than yesterday"

p/s:If there is any problem to download the concept map or there is wrong facts in the notes, just let me know via comment or e-mail me at botanistceria@gmail.com. ok. Syukran!


Monday 26 January 2015

Coret-coret 2015

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
Hello there, meet me again.
Alhamdulillah, I'm still have a chance to post something useful here. InsyaAllah.

As we realise, 2014 passed just in the blink of eye. Now, we're already in 2015. Time is running really fast. So, wake up people!Let's use our time wisely. Just for the good things. Avoid wasting time on playing online games or anything else that not give benefits to us. We're still have many good activities to do. All depend on us.

Ok, regarding on the things to do list for this new year, we still can set our goal. It's still not too late to make it. Do it now or it will be never!We must take an action to make our life better. Effort and Du'a. Not just make a Du'a and sit there. There's nothing will be change. I'm really 'sentap' when look at this picture posted by The MuslimShow FB page. Really meaningful for me. So, I hope all of us will be much better than last year as a great muslims. InsyaAllah.

effort and du'a

do it now!


follow the straight path

Ok, that's all for now.
See you at the next post.
